Back to School: Understanding School Zone Laws

by Courtney Conley

As summer is wrapping up, many people are getting ready for the new school year. Even if you’re not heading to school yourself or sending your own little one off, the return of the school year affects all drivers because of the traffic regulations placed around schools. Now is a great time to talk about school zone laws and why they matter.

School Bus

Let’s start with the basics. What is a school zone, anyway? A school zone is an area around a school where school zone laws are enacted. School zone laws are traffic laws that protect children walking around schools on school days. A lower speed limit is enforced during specific hours, which you can usually find on a sign posted in the school zone. Some school zone signs have flashing lights indicating when the reduced speed limit is enforced.

School Zone Sign

Children are unpredictable. They have a hard time judging a car’s speed and distance, and they have a narrower field of vision than adults. Small kids even have a hard time understanding which direction a sound is coming from, so even if you honk at them, they may not understand what that means or that it’s intended for them.

Here are some tips for driving in school zones:

  • Never assume that a child can see you. Even if they can, they might not be paying attention.
  • Never assume an adult will grab a child in time.
  • Drive cautiously in school zones, and be ready to maneuver for the safety of children.
  • Avoid distractions. In many states, distracted driving penalties are increased in school zones.
  • Be patient. Allow extra time for your commute if you’re going to be in a school zone during drop-off or pick-up time.
  • Find an alternate route if possible.

If you’re in charge of a little one this school year, make sure you talk to them about school zone safety as well! Here are some tips for keeping kids safe in school zones:

  • Plan a safe walking route and practice the route with your child.
  • Emphasize the importance of looking both ways before crossing, using sidewalks, and avoiding distractions like phones.
  • Talk to your child about potential dangers and create a plan for what to do if they feel unsafe.
  • Accompany young children to and from school, especially during the first few weeks.
  • Demonstrate safe pedestrian behavior yourself by crossing streets correctly and obeying traffic laws.

By understanding and obeying school zone laws, we can significantly reduce the risk of accidents involving children. Remember, children are unpredictable and often unaware of the dangers posed by traffic. It’s up to us as drivers and caretakers to create a safe environment for them.

Are you interested in learning more about traffic safety?

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As summer is wrapping up, many people are getting ready for the new school year. Even if you’re not heading to school yourself or sending your own little one off, the return of the school year affects all drivers because of the traffic regulations placed around schools. Now is a great time to talk about school zone laws and why they matter.

Categories: Driving Laws, Driving Safety