The more time you spend on the road, the more you tend to notice bad drivers. Stop at any intersection and you’re bound to encounter an annoying driver. We understand! Some people, for whatever reason, do not take driving seriously. Ideally, everyone on the road would drive safely and defensively, but that’s just not the case. Here is our list of five driving styles we would love to cancel.
1. The Distracted Driver
It’s honestly mind-blowing that people are still texting and driving in the year 2020. Haven’t there been enough PSAs letting everyone know how dangerous it is to take your attention off the road, even for a few seconds? In 2018, there were 2,841 people killed by distracted driving. That’s unacceptable, yet a two-second search on TikTok will show you hundreds of drivers recording themselves doing something silly while driving. Not only are distracted drivers putting themselves at risk, they’re also putting everyone else on the road in danger.
2. The Driver Who Doesn’t Know How to Use Their Turn Signal
Look, contrary to popular belief, turn signals aren’t optional! How many times have you had to slam on your brakes to avoid a collision with a driver who didn’t bother using their turn signal? Too many. And seriously, turn signals are so easy to use! It’s not like it’s a labor-intensive device. You just flip it on a few hundred feet before you want to turn, and then you’re less likely to be involved in a collision!
3. The Speeding Driver
Interestingly, some people think that driving 80 miles per hour when the speed limit is 55 miles per hour is perfectly reasonable. Sure, it can be annoying to have to stick to the speed limit when you’re in a hurry, or when the road is open and inviting in front of you, but those limits exist for a reason. It only takes a split second for things to go horribly wrong, even if you’ve been speeding for years without incident.
4. The Driver Who Won’t Let You Merge
This is just frustrating, especially during rush hour on the highway. Traffic flows more smoothly when we allow for zipper merging, but there’s always someone who refuses to let anyone merge in front of them. Wouldn’t you want someone to let you merge? Treat other roadway users how you want to be treated!
5. The Aggressive Driver
Have you ever seen someone just lose it in the middle of traffic? Blasting the horn and making angry hand gestures at everyone around them? It’s sad, and it’s also scary, because drivers who cannot control their emotions can escalate to aggressive drivers, which can cause a serious collision. To these drivers, we say: please take a deep breath and pull over if you need to, until you are calm enough to drive again.
And there we have it! The five driving styles we would love to cancel. Did we miss any? Let us know on Facebook! If you want to make sure your driving style isn’t annoying everyone around you, take one of our fun online defensive driving courses! Visit our website to see which courses we offer in your state!
The more time you spend on the road, the more you tend to notice bad drivers. Stop at any intersection and you’re bound to encounter an annoying driver. We understand! Some people, for whatever reason, do not take driving seriously. Ideally, everyone on the road would drive safely and defensively, but that’s just not the case. Here is our list of five driving styles we would love to cancel.