National Courtesy Month: Promoting Road Etiquette and Safe Driving

by Courtney Conley

September is National Courtesy Month, and if there’s one place where courtesy is key, it’s behind the wheel. Driving is a shared experience, and our actions on the road directly impact the safety and well-being of others. Let’s take a look at some ways to stay courteous on the road this month!


1. Yield

Yielding is a crucial aspect of road etiquette and safety. You must be patient and allow other drivers and roadway users to proceed ahead of you when necessary.

2. Signal Appropriately

Clear communication is essential on the road. Signaling your intentions helps other drivers anticipate your movements and avoid collisions. Here are some signaling tips:

  • Signal well in advance: Indicate your turns or lane changes early to give other drivers time to react.
  • Signal consistently: Use your turn signals consistently and accurately to avoid confusion.
  • Cancel your signal: Turn off your signal once you have completed your maneuver.

3. Don’t Tailgate

Tailgating, or following too closely behind another vehicle, is a common cause of collisions. It’s also pretty annoying, which can cause other drivers to react aggressively. Maintaining a safe following distance allows you to react in time if the vehicle in front of you suddenly brakes or changes lanes.

4. Avoid Distractions

Distracted driving is a major safety hazard. Avoid any activities that could take your attention away from the road, such as:

  • Using your phone: Do not use your phone while driving, even for hands-free calls, as it can still be really distracting. If you need to use your phone, pull over in a safe place to do so.
  • Eating: Avoid eating while driving. If you do eat in the car, make sure it’s not something messy or complicated. Stick with things like granola bars.
  • Making adjustments: Wait until your vehicle is stopped to make adjustments to your navigation or temperature controls.
  • 5. Share the Road with Pedestrians

    Pedestrians have the right to use the road safely, just like drivers. As a driver, it’s your responsibility to share the road with pedestrians and yield to them at crosswalks. Be super alert in areas with lots of pedestrian activity, like school zones and parking lots.

    National Courtesy Month is an opportunity to reflect on our driving habits and make a commitment to safer and more considerate driving. We hope these tips inspire you to make safe and courteous choices on the road!

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    September is National Courtesy Month, and if there’s one place where courtesy is key, it’s behind the wheel. Driving is a shared experience, and our actions on the road directly impact the safety and well-being of others. Let’s take a look at some ways to stay courteous on the road this month!

    Categories: Driving Safety, Driving Laws