Summer Safety: Pedestrian Tips for Kids

by Courtney Conley

As the school year wraps up, little ones are spending more time outdoors. In my neighborhood, you’d have a hard time making it to the end of the street without seeing a group of kids on bikes or playing basketball in their driveway. While we want kids to have a great time outdoors, we also want to make sure they’re safe, especially when it comes to navigating the road as little pedestrians. Let’s take a look at some tips and tricks to keep kiddos safe and sound outside during summer break!

Kid Riding a Bike

1. Be a good example.

Kids are basically little sponges. They learn best by watching and imitating us, so show them the ropes of pedestrian safety. Hold hands, look both ways, and always use crosswalks.

2. Use the buddy system.

Encourage your kids to walk with a buddy or in small groups. Older siblings are a great resource as well!

3. Unplug and stay alert.

Technology can be a powerful tool for parents to keep an eye on their children’s whereabouts, and that’s great! But technology can be a big distraction. Teach kids to put away their devices and focus on their surroundings.

4. Dress smartly!

Bright or reflective clothing can help drivers see your little ones easier than if they were to wear darker clothing. It’s super important for kids (and all pedestrians, for that matter) to be visible!

5. Stop, look, and listen!

This was drilled into our heads as little kids, and it works! Emphasize the importance of making eye contact with drivers at intersections and checking for traffic from both directions before crossing the street.

Summer is a time for kids to make fun memories and enjoy the great outdoors. By teaching our little ones the importance of pedestrian safety, we can make sure that they have a fun and safe summer break.

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As the school year wraps up, little ones are spending more time outdoors. In my neighborhood, you’d have a hard time making it to the end of the street without seeing a group of kids on bikes or playing basketball in their driveway. While we want kids to have a great time outdoors, we also want to make sure they’re safe, especially when it comes to navigating the road as little pedestrians. Let’s take a look at some tips and tricks to keep kiddos safe and sound outside during summer break!

Categories: Driving Safety, Trip Planning