Teen Drivers: How to Stay Focused and Avoid Distractions

by Courtney Conley

Getting your license is a big step on the road to independence. It can be fun and exciting to earn your driver’s license as a teen, but it also comes with challenges. One of the biggest is staying focused and avoiding distractions. In 2022, there were over 200 people killed in traffic collisions involving a distracted teen driver. Those deaths were avoidable. Here’s a list of tips to help keep you focused and safe from distractions.

Do Not Disturb

1. Put your phone away.

This first tip is the most obvious, yet something many people don’t bother to do. Even a quick glance at a notification will take your eyes off the road for too long. Use the "Do Not Disturb" feature or a driving mode app to block incoming alerts while you’re behind the wheel.

Many states are very strict when it comes to teen drivers and cell phone use. Keep in mind that even hands-free cell phone use can be distracting and, in many cases, illegal. It’s best to keep your phone out of reach and only use it when you’re stopped and the car is in park.

2. Prepare your music before you start driving.

Music can make driving more enjoyable, but searching for songs while driving is risky. Before you start your trip, create a playlist or choose an album to listen to so you won’t need to touch your phone while driving. Lots of streaming platforms even have an AI option where it’ll serve up music it thinks you’re in the mood for based on what you normally listen to. It’s a great option for drivers!

3. Set expectations for your passengers.

Driving with friends or siblings can be fun, but it can also lead to distractions. It’s important to set rules to keep everyone focused on the road. Make it clear that you need to concentrate on driving and that they should keep noise and activities to a minimum.

4. Snack with care.

Eating while driving can be distracting, especially if the food is messy or requires two hands. Choose simple, easy-to-eat snacks like granola bars or apple slices if you need to eat on the go, and always prepare them before driving.

5. Plan your route ahead of time.

Getting lost or trying to figure out directions while driving can be stressful and distracting. Before you start driving, take a moment to look up your route. If you’re using your phone as a GPS, make sure you set that up before you start driving. If you need to change your route along the way, pull over in a safe place first, or ask a passenger to take care of it for you.

Driving safely and responsibly is non-negotiable. By following these tips, you can help ensure that you stay focused on the road and protect yourself and others.

Want to learn more about driving?

Are you looking for defensive driving and traffic school courses? Do you want a discount on your auto insurance? Do you know a teen who’s ready to take an online driver education course?

Safe2Drive is here to help! We offer convenient online courses for drivers of any age! Visit our website today to learn about the online courses we offer in your state.

Getting your license is a big step on the road to independence. It can be fun and exciting to earn your driver’s license as a teen, but it also comes with challenges. One of the biggest is staying focused and avoiding distractions. In 2022, there were over 200 people killed in traffic collisions involving a distracted teen driver. Those deaths were avoidable. Here’s a list of tips to help keep you focused and safe from distractions.

Categories: Driver Education, Driving Laws