What State Has The Least Tickets?
No one likes receiving a traffic ticket. While there are traffic laws in every state, some states give out fewer tickets than others.
Young Driver with Traffic Ticket
Which state has the least traffic tickets?
For drivers concerned about receiving traffic tickets, West Virginia may be a great place to settle down. A recent study found that West Virginia gives out about one ticket per 154.88 residents. Michigan was also at the top of the list with only one ticket per 143.67 residents, followed closely by North Dakota with one ticket per 143.18 residents.
Which state has the most traffic tickets?
Wondering which state has the most traffic tickets? We've got you covered! Click here to visit our page on this topic.
What should I do if I get a traffic ticket?
If you've received a traffic ticket, we can help you figure out the next steps no matter where you live! Click here to find a detailed guide on how to handle a traffic ticket in every state.
Take an Online Course to Learn More
We offer courses in a variety of topics including Defensive Driving and Driver Education. In addition to teaching you how to be a safe driver, our courses can help you dismiss a ticket, get your driver license, or even get an insurance discount. We also have courses specifically tailored to mature drivers (i.e., drivers age 55 and older) for insurance discounts.