Adult Driver Education Course


Satisfy a Licensing Requirement

Take our course if you are age 18, 19 or 20 and must complete an adult driver education course to satisfy a licensing requirement. Illinois law requires driver's license applicants age 18, 19 or 20 who have never previously been licensed or completed an approved driver education course to complete a six-hour adult driver education course.

Our course is approved by the Illinois Secretary of State.

Prepare for Knowledge Exam

Other adults age 18 and over can take this course to prepare for the knowledge exam, or just to brush up on their knowledge of Illinois driving laws.

How It Works

Get everything done in five easy steps!

  1. Register.
  2. Pay.
  3. Complete the course.
  4. Pass the exam.
  5. Get your Completion Certificate.

1. Register

Registration is fast and easy -- only two minutes! Create a username and password. Use your username and password to access the course as often as you want. We provide an unlimited number of logins. You must be at least age 17 years and 3 months to register for the course, but you cannot get your license until you are at least age 18.

2. Pay

We accept credit cards or check by mail.

3. Complete the Course

Our course consists of lessons made up of lecture material, animations, and videos. A short quiz is given at the end of each lesson to help you remember the material and prepare for the final exam. The quizzes consist of three multiple-choice questions. You must answer two of the three questions correctly to proceed to the next lesson. Most people pass the quizzes on the first attempt, but you can review the lesson and retake the quizzes until you pass at no extra charge.

The entire course takes six hours to complete, per SOS requirements. You can complete the course all at once or a little at a time. We take you to where you last left off each time you log in. You must complete the course within 30 days of registering.

4. Pass the Exam

We administer an exam at the end of the course. It consists of 20 questions and requires at least a 75% score to pass. You may take the exam as many times as necessary. However, the SOS requires that you start the course over from the beginning if you fail twice in a row. Safe2Drive does not charge any additional fees to take the final exam more than once or to restart the course.

5. Get Your Completion Certificate

We process your completion to the Illinois SOS within two business days. You will then receive an email from the SOS at the email address you provided when you registered with Safe2Drive. The email will include an attachment with your Certificate of Completion. You must print the certificate and take it to the nearest Illinois SOS facility with your other required identification documents and complete the remaining requirements to receive a driver’s license.

If you are 21 or older, your completion will not be processed to the Secretary of State. Safe2Drive will provide you with a Receipt of Completion via email once you have passed the course. You can also print a copy online from your account.