Ohio Adult Remedial Course
Why Take the Ohio Adult Remedial Course with Safe2Drive?
Our online Ohio Adult Remedial course makes getting a 2-point credit on your driving record, satisfying a court order, or satisfying a BMV requirement a breeze! You get a quality educational experience without ever having to leave home! It's the most convenient way to complete a remedial driving course.
About the Course
The Adult Remedial course is 8 hours in length, as per Ohio DPS rules. It is broken up into 12 short, interactive lessons that include videos, animations, and games. At the end of each lesson, you will take a 10-question, multiple-choice quiz to test your knowledge of the course material. You must score at least 80% to pass each quiz and move on to the next lesson.
At the end of the course, there will be a 40-question, multiple-choice final exam. You will need to score at least 75% to pass. We're confident that you'll have no trouble passing on your first try!
Eligibility Requirements
If you are taking the course voluntarily to get a 2-point credit on your driving record, you can only take the course once every three years and up to five times in your lifetime. There is no limit on how many times you can take the course to satisfy a court order or a BMV requirement.
Course Procedures
Completing a remedial driving course is easy! Just follow these 4 simple steps:
- Register for the course.
- Complete the 8 hours of online instruction.
- Pass the final exam.
- Receive your Certificate of Completion. We will process your completion to the Ohio BMV and email you your Certificate of Completion the same business day that you complete the course (Monday-Friday, excluding holidays), so long as you complete the course by 5 PM Eastern Time.
If you complete after 5 PM ET, we will process your completion to the Ohio BMV and email you your certificate the following business day. If you are taking the course to satisfy a court order, you must present a copy of your certificate to your court.